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We imagine a world where your musical muse is only limited by your imagination.
Driven by a passion for music and technology, on a mission to bridge the gap between raw inspiration and polished production. Our journey begins with creating AI-driven tools for producers, making music creation seamless, intuitive, and limitless.

Analog Studios


36 Months Training

 150k - 1m $ 

Digital Studios

1980 - Present

12 - 36 Months Training

30k - 300k $

Home Studios (DAW)

Late 1990's - Present

6 - 12 Months Training

2k - 20k $


Present - Future


less than 1k $

soon announcing


Our groundbreaking Drum AI Machine, the beginning of our journey to redefine music production. With its unique ability to generate human-like drum patterns it is both generative, intuitive, and conversational.


Stay tuned as we unfold our bigger plan, one innovation at a time.

Our Team

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